Tonight we try and make up for the short episode last week. It is a bit longer then we have in a while touching in at just under 2 hours but it’s still a great listen and a ton of fun!
We re-cap more of our personal experiences from the 24 hour marathon for charity. Each one of us talks about the one game that stood out the most to us that we played in the event. I have put a video of each below for you to check out and see if you like them. Please check them out as they are ALL great games.
We also get back into some TV talk and chat up a bunch of movies we have watched this month. Some old and some new and as always some Red Box!
And as always we want to say we love BACON.
First video is of Paul’s pick Pillars of the Earth. A great worker placement game.
Next up is one of GeekJock’s picks Alien Frontiers. This video is from Paul Springer AKA Uvula Bob. I put it up here b/c his videos rock, and it’s a huge shame he stopped doing them. But you should get some laughs and for other great reviews from him check out his youtube page for the back catalog
Last but certainly not least is Todd’s pick of Belfort! For this one I go with the KING of HD reviews Drakkenstrike AKA Jeremy Salinas. His reviews are second to none and give a great overview of whats in the box and some general how to play on most games.
That’s all for now please check us out next time when we will likely have our end of year best and worst of 2011 episode!